Benefits of Laser Hair Removal: Say Goodbye to Shaving, Waxing, and Plucking

Getting rid of unwanted hairs, especially in sensitive regions of the body, can be difficult, painful, and time-consuming. The good news is that laser hair removal can make removing hair much easier. In turn, this can make life a bit easier as well and may boost your confidence and provide other benefits. If you’re looking for expert laser hair removal in Zionsville, IN? Dr. Sally Booth and Dr. Christy Waterman can provide treatment at the Booth Dermatology Group. Let's take a look at the many benefits of using lasers to remove hair.

Benefit #1- Reduce Pain and Discomfort

Shaving can be painful, especially if you cut yourself. Even if not, shaving can result in dry skin, rashes, and other problems. Waxing and plucking can be just as painful if not more so. With laser hair removal, you typically won’t have to wax, pluck, or shave your unwanted hair, at least not anytime soon. Laser hair removal usually removes hair for several months, and sometimes longer.

Benefit #2- Peace of Mind for Months

Laser hair removal isn’t typically considered a permanent removal procedure. That said, the hair usually won’t grow back for several months. Why? The lasers used to remove hairs will damage or destroy the follicles from which hair strands grow. Even if the follicle recovers, it typically won’t be for many weeks.

Even when the hair does grow back, patients often find that hair strands are thinner. There will likely be fewer hairs in a given area as well. Should you decide to pluck, wax, or shave at this point, it may be less intensive and irritating. Ready to try laser hair removal in Zionsville, IN? Contact Dr. Booth and Dr. Waterman at the Booth Dermatology Group.

Benefit #3- Reduce The Risk of Complications

You might not think of waxing, plucking, and shaving as high-risk procedures, but actually, complications are pretty common. A cut can lead to an infection, and if it spreads, it can become very serious. Some people have even been hospitalized (or worse) due to sepsis caused by a cut from shaving.

Besides infections, ingrown hairs are also a common and painful problem. Further, dry skin may start as a minor nuisance but could eventually require medical intervention.

Benefit #4- Healthier, Smoother Skin

Ultimately, your skin will often look and feel better if you undergo the occasional hair removal treatment session rather than shaving, waxing, or plucking day after day. These procedures simply cause a lot of wear and tear and other issues. Why bother with all the hassles when you can use laser hair removal?

Need to schedule laser hair removal in Zionsville, IN? Dial (317) 848-2427 to reach the Booth Dermatology Group. Dr. Booth and Dr. Waterman can provide expert treatment.